Posts Tagged ‘input


Under the Sun … and some inspiration

this morning i looked through some of my last year’s art.. and found Under the Sun .. and i remembered my inktense pencils.. true… this artpiece is also mixed media.. but based on inktense pencils.. the background was mostly created using them.. and of course the birds, sun, clouds…

i have a large box of them.. and i love them.. their colours are so vibrant .. and so nice to work with.. so why haven’t i been using them?? honestly i don’t know.. i was a bit out of it.. for whatever reason… not too motivated.. kind of a funny mood..

well anyway… seeing Under the Sun gave me the push….. and i started on a new inktense pencils mixed media piece.. first i just scribbled various colours on my watercolour paper.. and then with water.. i created a first layer for a background.. as usual.. i have of course NO IDEA whatsoever where this is going.. that’s the fun of it……. let my inner child take over again 🙂 have a fabulous week all !


… a small drawing on cardboard .. and a story to go with it ……. in english and german …

canine story fertig downsized

as every morning, FIX the small terrier-mix – to the right in the drawing – joggs happily to the dog meeting place, as there is always stuff to explore, new smells and odours, tracks that need to be checked out .. and of course friends to meet.. friends with whom stories can be exchanged.. such as….. the other day…. the story about that cheeky little cat who dared to enter the dog meeting place.. ! what an upheaval that created.. the cat probably didn’t even realize what would happen… pure chaos erupted and the cat only managed to escape by taking a courageous leap over the high wall right next to the fountain. yes.. such were the stories that were exchanged and then……….
UPS …….. FIX stopped in his tracks… who is THIS ??? there she sits… right in front of him.. gives him a shy look .. and he just stands there.. thunderstruck, his little heart beating madly, not capable of moving even a fraction of an inch….. the girl doggie of his dreams ♥ ♥ ♥ …….
up on the hill… the shaggy sheepdog has watched this magic encounter ….

mixed media with collage elements on cardboard

wie jeden morgen trabt FIX, der terrier-mix – rechts im bild – voller tatendrang zum hundeplatz. da gibt es für ihn immer viel zu entdecken.. neue gerüche, die man sorgfältig erkunden muss.. kumpels die man wieder trifft.. und mit denen man geschichten austauschen kann.. so wie z.b. neulich, als sich einfach eine freche katze auf den hundeplatz gewagt hatte.. das war vielleicht eine aufregung ! die katze hatte wohl gar nicht realisiert, auf was sie sich da einliess. es herrschte das pure chaos und die katze konnte sich nur mit einem gewagten sprung über die hohe mauer neben dem grossen brunnen aus der gefahrenzone retten.. ja also.. solche geschichten tauschte man aus… und dann………
……………… ups… FIX bleibt stehen….. wer ist denn DAS ?? da sitzt sie… vor ihm….. blickt scheu zu ihm rüber……. und er steht da, erstarrt, wie vom blitz getroffen……. sein herz rast wie wild.. aber er kann sich nicht bewegen.. seine traumfrau…….. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ………….
oben auf dem hügel sitzt der zottlige hütehund.. und beobachtet das ganze….. diesen magischen moment …….

this and that – an update


my creative space, in all its “cluttered” glory.  but i feel at home there and comfy… so.. i leave it as it is.. mostly. here… two works in progress….. a mixed media painting and a new page in my art journal.. whilst one dries.. i work on the other.

big plans.. definitely attempting to make a homepage now.. seriously. have been thinking about it for a long time and so far it made more sense to upload my art into galleries .. but now some things have changed.. for one paypal makes it easier to sell directly from a homepage or a social media page.. for the other i feel more “secure” about writing about my work.. keeping up a blog.. so i have decided to make a page on wordpress. i like wordpress, have been having my blog there for years, so i am a bit familiar with it. building a homepage however, is quite a different cup of tea. so if any of you have suggestions, input.. i am all ears. i have found a theme which i like and which i think suits my ideas, it is from the portfolio section..

so.. this is just a quick update 🙂
wishing you all a very happy weekend … and happy st. patrick’s day to all my irish friends 

love, light and many smiles



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