Posts Tagged ‘blessed


…. flying clown and half a mermaid …..

does the title make you curious? yes?? good ! that was my intention. well now… if you scroll down to my previous post you will see the WIP .. of the clown. the title of the painting however is “A Matter of Life”. i posted a text to go with it… to explain a little… give you some background where the muse took me this time. i also got a new WIP to add…….. but first things first

A Matter of Life

A Matter of Life

mixed media on watercolour paper – acrylics, acrylic ink, acrylic marker, graphite pencil

24 x 32cm – 9,4 x 12,6 in

Every morning is a new matter of life. Sometimes i wear a mask, masking my true feelings, hiding behind a laughing face, but not quite achieving to keep up the smile. A hand touches my head, giving me Blessings, the wind blows away the mask, bringing a fresh wind into the Matter of Life, the fish sing a happy tune and the sun smiles to herself, watching this everyday happening. Returning joy and happiness to this Matter of Life

…….. and now…. the WIP… no title yet. the bird and flower want my attention. well they will get it tomorrow.. too late now 🙂


well that is her……. the WIP. her name is MARGUERITE…….. that is all i know about her so far. i will see where the muse will take me tomorrow.

and now…….. good night my friends 🙂


.. three blind mice .. lalala.. only these 3 aren’t blind at all …..

a bit of fun again… my inner child having a ball. the grown up me had this idea for a new painting… and my inner child immediately picked up on it….. and tadaa here are those three mice.. a family of mice going for a stroll during a fullmoon night. the first positive comment on facebeook said … that my art makes her smile. what a wonderful compliment. there is enough bad stuff around us… and smiles are so important. so this is my way of giving smiles to people. i hope it works..

wishing you all a wonderful thursday…. love and light… and many smiles…… pat

Some new recycled art on cardboard. … this particular cardboard was taken from a carton of catfood.. ha haha.. isn’t THAT ironic 🙂

FAMILY Outing during Fullmoon

mixed media on cardboard

19×6 centimeters


oh my gosh.. .. a new life .. and so much happening

dear friends.. dear readers

my chemotherapy makes me very tired… a fact which really made me angry at the beginning.. i fought against it, could not accept it… wanted it to go away. but fatigue doesn’t just “go away”. fatigue is – or can be – totally overwhelming.. i walked around like a zombie.. and i would avoid sitting on the sofa cause i knew.. the moment i sat on it.. i would fall asleep. so .. i sat on uncomfortable chairs, just to keep me awake. i would purposely stay active… do something.. anything.. just to get away from fatigue. of course.. – yes you guessed correctly – all of that did not work.. on the contary.. it made it worse. fatigue turned into a huge black wave.. that would just catch me.. engulf me.. and drag me along.. into the land of sleep. my sleep is so deep that i cannot hear the phone ring.. nor the alarm clock.. nor the doorbell. i am out of it.. completely.. almost “unconscious”… a goner…… zilch……. out….. just blackness surrounding me.

but things have changed… and that is the “new life” part… i realize that my sleep is there for a reason. it has a purpose.. it even has a healing quality… this “revelation” was initiated by a dear friend of mine.. who prayed for me … and during her prayer i had this.. aha moment.. and there was a flow of energy entering me.. it was a totally amazing feeling and it changed my point of view. i still have cancer related fatigue though.. every day… every hour.. every minute… but during my friend’s prayer i suddenly was able to change perspectives.. i.e. sleep was not my enemy, but my friend. so now.. i have made adjustments to my life.. in the mornings.. i am awake.. i do my stuff, the householdy stuff… and once the flat is cleaned… well sort of.. … it is art time. art.. is amazing.. art heals… art gives me energy.. art makes me happy.. when i am creating something.. i do not feel the fatigue.. it is there.. but i do not feel it. i am on a different level.. i enjoy what i am doing and it gives me so much.. i feel so blessed and happy… that i have this gift., that i was given this gift !… it is such a great help now 🙂 ok. that was a long story…. at 4.30 p.m. though… i am off. i go and lay down on my bed.. and within 10 minutes max.. i sleep.. sometimes 2 hours… sometimes 3.. once i even slept til almost 10 p.m. !!! .. wow.. but i have come to terms with things… and i have re-arranged my life.. so that my body gets what it needs.. sleep.. a LOT of it… but also energizing stuff like.. art.. or a workout at the gym … a walk.. or just sitting on the balcony and enjoying the sun 🙂

now to the wowowow part 🙂 i sold two paintings this week. isn’t that absolutely amazing?? both of them are off to the USA on monday. ! so here they are… take a look.. and i have many more paintings waiting for a new home… :)) i wish you all a marvellous day.. be happy, take care.. stay healthy…. wear that mask darn it !!!! .. and be good 🙂

love and light………. pat ♥

a big THANK YOU to the collectors who bought my art. i am very grateful… and i wish you lots of joy and happiness with my art !!


…. and now for something totally different again …


acrylics on stretched canvas
30 x 40 centimeters – 15 x 12 inches
original for sale – please contact me for info

so.. the muse has taken me in a completely different direction again.. at least the colour scheme is sort of the same .. i need to keep busy.. it keeps me awake. my chemotherapy makes me extremely tired.. the moment i sit comfortably, i doze off and soon glide into a deep and sound sleep… not really my idea of spending the day.. and mind you.. i sleep like a log at night too… so.. instead of sitting comfortably in a chair or on my red sofa… i paint.. i let the muse guide me to new realms… art and my journey being a constant adventure !!

much love and light to you all !!!


… on a more personal note

dear followers, dear friends 🙂

i realize that it’s been quite a while that i have posted anything here on my blog. and what i posted, was kind of sporadic. i would like to apologize for this. for very specific reasons, i was a lot less creative over the last months.

i don’t like to talk about private matters on the net, however in this instance i will make an exception… a small one. but i feel, you all have the right to know what’s been going on, what IS going on… and how things are.

i came to switzerland in june of this year to visit my children, and to have a medical checkup. it was then that i was diagnosed with breast cancer. in july i started on a very heavy course of chemo, 4 hourly, weekly cycles. after 6 weeks i had to have a break cause due to my immune system being practically non-existant, i was close to a blood poisoning in my left arm. i had to take antibiotics and chemo was stopped for two weeks. then, it continued and two weeks ago i had the last cycle. i was lucky.. all in all. the side effects were bearable, the worst being the extreme tiredness and exhaustion – i still have that ! – the complete loss of taste – yuck to all foods and drinks – the sensory disturbances in my hands and footsoles.

in the beginning i was still capable to create art, but as the chemo sessions continued, i had less and less energy to be creative. so i really changed into a complete couch potato. i read a lot – make this past and present tense! – mostly thrillers.. but many books on art too, watch/ed TV and slept/sleep.

OK.. so far so good. i am better now… slowly getting some energy back and slowly being more creative again. today.. i have to go to hospital for more bloodtests, a CT and meeting with my oncologist. in two weeks, on October 11th, i will have surgery.

anyway. i am good. i am.. lucky to be here in switzerland. i have fabulous doctors… am being treated in a top rate oncology center… and i wasn’t even aware there being one here, in the city where my eldest son lives. i live with my son.. he is wonderful.. looking after me, cooking for me, going shopping….. my other children live close by and visit me often. my wonderful husband is at home, taking care of the house and our dogs… if he weren’t so supportive and kind, i could never manage this all !

i count myself lucky. i am here, in a fantastic place, surrounded by the alps. there is so much good and healing energy here.. can you believe it? yes i count myself lucky.. yes, i have cancer, and yes, i have accepted it. my hair is gone.. i am bald.. but … i wont wear a wig nor a scarf nor whatever… i am boldly bald.. nothing to hide ! it is another lesson i am learning, another stepping stone in my life.

i wish you all a great new week… and sending you all lots of love and light.

mimulux aka pat


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